Then I have a bunch of free ressources available for you. They are spread over different platforms to reach as many as possible, but here you should be able to get an overview.

Ae you curious about watercolor and ready to dip your toes in the pool of paint water?

My go-to free ressources for you

I'd love to learn that!! →

Learn to prepare and build musclememory before diving into your painting. That way you dont have to sit and stare at the white paper (that is boring anyways).

3 Tips to prepare your loose watcolor masterpiece

heck yes, I need this! →

Free video for you to help you get an overview of how to get started on this beautiful style. I'll guide you through Pros and cons as well as tell how I do it.

What comes first -
line or wash?

let's me see what I need for my christmas list →

(And just as an FYI you dont need it all)

Aaaaall the supplies I use 

I'd love to learn that!! →

Free 5 step guide to create lines with life and movement. That means no more feeling like your sketch looks overworked and cartoony and how great is that!?

Breathe life into your floral sketch

My tea is ready, let's do this! →

I absolutely adore the video format for teaching watercolor so of course there is a Youtube Channel. So find pop corn and a nice blanket and get cozy in front of your tablet.

The Youtube Channel

Take me there at once →

On my Instagram you'll get a lot more than just pretty pictures (though they are there too).
I also do lives from time to time and save them on Instagram Video (or whatever it's called these days). This is also the perfect place to keep updated if you are not on my newsletter.


YES! A community is just what I need! →

Do you in any case want to join the most supportive, friendly and most amazing group of creatives on the Internet?
Then I have a Facebook group called Watercolor and Whimsy, where I teach lives, do challenges and so much more.


Join me and my 3000 closest pals on my email list – where I  share my heart and mind with tips, news, and encouragement.


We're friends, right? Because...

    Slowliving watercolor woman helping woman all over the globe to use watercolor to free themself.