location: based in denmark far out in the country (I'm serious, there's cows in the backyard)

email: camilla@camilladamsboart.com

Please shoot me an e-mail and I will get back to you as soon as I can. As you know I have small children and they tend to want to go for walks and play with Lego during the weekends, so chances are pretty good that is where I'll be. But dont worry I'll get back to you on the monday after.

I'm so excited that you're interested in working together and can't wait to chat with you!

Contact Camilla

I would love to learn! →

Free 5 step guide to create lines with life and movement. That means no more feeling like your sketch looks overworked and cartoony and how great is that!?

Breathe life into your floral sketches

Slowliving watercolor woman helping woman all over the globe to use watercolor to free themself.